From the recording The Bird Outside the Window


Steaks as big as your
steaks as big as your
steaks as big as your
steaks as big as your
steaks as big as your
steaks as big as your head

We meet on Thursday
in a Colombian restaurant
on the near north side of town
and eat steaks as big as
your head.

In the weeks that we've had
over Chanukah and New Years
all this time we're spent apart
I've had time to reflect

I've decided to let it go.
That's what you want.
that's what I want.
we just don't know
how much we're finally
in agreement.

So I eat the rest of your fries
you sip the rest of my coke
amid the clatter
and blather or crows.

Well I bring it up
or you bring it up.
who knows?
It's like a steak as big as
your head

You've decided to let it go.
That's what I want.
that's what you want.
we just didn't know
how much we were finally
in agreement.